CIVIC Bangalore

CIVIC is a citizen’s initiative formed in 1990-91 as a forum for discussion and action on issues facing Bangalore, its development and future. CIVIC’s continuous work with over 350 city-based CBOs/RWAs, 35 NGOs working with the urban poor, academic institutions and technical groups such as urban planners and poor groups has shown some significant results. At the same time, CIVIC has learnt some hard facts. Core objectives: • Promote pro-poor measures in service delivery • Increase transparency and accountability in service delivery to the urban poor. • Strengthen processes of decentralization to enable urban poor to participate in city governance. In a nut shell CIVIC’s vision is a just city - Bangalore. The mission is to improve the living conditions for all citizens of Bangalore by facilitating good governance with realization of 74th CAA in its true spirit – development with social justice.

Friday, April 30, 2010

II Hearing with BWSSB reg. Linking borewell water to Cauvery water
a. Hearing on 15.04.2010

Important orders by the commission:
The case is reg RTI application pertaining to certified copies of linking borewells water to the BWSSB Cauvery water pipelines network in Bangalore urban area.

During the hearing Information Commisioner Sri Tippeswamy found ACE (1&2-M) has mechanically forwarded the applications related to policy matter downward without consulting the Chief Engineer.

Therefore Commission directed Mr. Sonnappa Reddy, Additional Chief Engineer (M-2) and Mr. V. Mahesh Additional Chief Engineer (M-1) to show cause within 30 days why action should not be taken against them under section 20 (1) of the RTI act to levy penalty for their lapses in dealing with the information.

They may make oral or written submission during the next hearing.

Even if they wish they may be personally present before the commission during the next hearing which is on 29.07.2010 at 3.30pm.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hearings with BWSSB on 4 (1)(b) and defunct borewells

I. Hearing with BWSSB reg 4(1)(b) and defunct bore-wells

(a)Hearing Report on 07.08.2009
BWSSB PRO has failed to give right information, which civic asked through RTI.

3 information asked in the first application was:
• Urban pro poor policy
• Total number of poor families planned under this scheme to be covered.
• Total number of families given piped water connection under this policy.
PRO has not given any document regarding pro poor policy. But he has given other two information. In that he mentioned that, these are provided under pro poor policy.

CIVIC question during hearing:
CIVIC said that you should provide the policy documents, when you clearly stated about the schemes are in poor policy.
Then why can’t you provide the urban pro poor policy?
Why Implementation of all the projects will be mentioned like under pro poor policy. Even which says about the Slabs rates cut down.
For which PRO answered that ‘there is no proper pro poor policy prepared by the BWSSB’.
Recently when they sent proposal of 350 Crores project to JBICs. It has been mentioned regarding PPP.
He also mentioned, Slabs rates are all Government Orders. In that regard I am not able to answer
He agreed to give the copy of JBICs proposal and he also accepted urban pro poor policy should be prepare.

Second application consisted of 3 questions:
• The scheme/ project under which the proposed rejuvenation of 6000 bore wells is planned.
• The budget set aside for the scheme/ project.
• Plan of action to carryout the scheme/project
PRO has given documents for two questions and also it says still they are not maintaining any of these. And also he didn’t provide any documents for 3rd question.
Because of the CIVIC effort through RTI application, Direction has been given by KIC.

As per the clear instructions by the Commission, BWSSB has to revise suo moto. Mr. Anil from KRIA Katte and Ms Parveen from CIVIC had a meeting with the PRO on this and necessary help was given revise Suo moto.

(b)Hearing with BWSSB on 1.12.2009
On 1.12.2009 another hearing was held and again KIC gave instructions to BWSSB to prepare pro-poor policy and to revive the defunct borewells with the help of Karnataka Center for science and technology.

Changes with CIVIC intervention(on going):
1. Suo moto disclosure by BWS.SB
2. Revival of defunct borewells.
3. Proposed to construct recharge wells near borewells.

(c)Hearing with BWSSB on 18.03.2010
1. As per the direction given on last hearing BWSSB had to prepare 4(1)B, but during this hearing also it was not ready. Justice Mishra strictly warned the respondents (Mr. Prahlad Rao-PRO and Mr. Sonnappa Reddy- ACE-2) to prepare 4(1)B as soon as possible.
2. Even the defunct bore-well list displayed in the website doesn't consist full details and the Commission directed to provide the list with locations.
3. A plan of action should be prepared for the revival of the defunct bore-well.

Respondents reply:
1. Respondent Mr. Sonnappa Reddy said that the proper information about the bore-well locations lies with the sub-divisional offices, not in Cauvery Bhavan.
2. Regarding repair of defunct bore-wells and to construct recharge wells a letter has been written to Karnataka Center for Science and Technology.
3. Last month 300 bore-wells are been repaired.

Next Hearing 30.07.2010

(d) Hearing on 30.07.2010
Commission ordered BWSSB to take suggestions from CIVIC and make necessary changes in 4.1.b.
Next hearing date: 25.09.2010

Monday, April 19, 2010


Information collected through RTI regarding important govt orders with regard to water

Letter reg waival of water bills of slum connections.

GO on the unpaid monthly water bills of the slum dwellers up to 30.06.2008 which comes around 4,57,04226/-

 Board Order on free meter connection for identified 22870 households. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010


These Job charts of the higher officials of BWSSB does not convey anything other than how many officials/staffs are there under each one. Is the Job chart meant only for that or the Roles and responsibilities also?



Job chart of BWSSB sub Division as per the information provided by BWSSB under RTI
Nowhere we can find in this job chart that which officer/staff is accountable to whom. Moreover there is no procedure which says about any kind of reporting system. Does this kind of Job charts are required in any department where the public can not hold anyone responsible when there are problems in the service delivery system.


Appointment of Special officers to monitor water supply

Extra 25 TMC water to the city.