CIVIC Bangalore

CIVIC is a citizen’s initiative formed in 1990-91 as a forum for discussion and action on issues facing Bangalore, its development and future. CIVIC’s continuous work with over 350 city-based CBOs/RWAs, 35 NGOs working with the urban poor, academic institutions and technical groups such as urban planners and poor groups has shown some significant results. At the same time, CIVIC has learnt some hard facts. Core objectives: • Promote pro-poor measures in service delivery • Increase transparency and accountability in service delivery to the urban poor. • Strengthen processes of decentralization to enable urban poor to participate in city governance. In a nut shell CIVIC’s vision is a just city - Bangalore. The mission is to improve the living conditions for all citizens of Bangalore by facilitating good governance with realization of 74th CAA in its true spirit – development with social justice.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Short stories on impact of RTI

I. In East Sub-division -5 Mr. D. Murali is the AEE. He had some bitter experiences while working in Chiklalabagh. As a result he is so afraid of RTI that whenever I (Ms. Parveen) visit the sub-division he says to collect whatever information required by asking orally or even over the phone. As he doesn't want to indulge in the strict proceedures of RTI.
Even if I go reg some problem in the community it was promised to give priority to that and rectify. So as done in the broken pipeline case of Rajeevgandhi slum.

II. 1st Appeal hearing on 11.05.2010 at Cauvery Bhavan (3pm)
Mr. V. Mahesh (ACE-M), Mr. Prahlad Rao (PRO), Mr. Srinivas Reddy (EE- East division), Mr. Gopal Gowda (AEE –East sub-division-3), Mr. Nagendra (AE - East sub-division-3) were present in the hearing. Mr. Mahesh chaired the hearing.
1st appeal had been filed on East Sub-division -3 and East division for not replying RTI applications. During the appeal Mr. Gopal Gowda and Mr. Srinivas Reddy was instructed to provide the information required within 15 days. Clarifications were made of the applications of which AEE and EE were not clear enough.

Few highlights of RTI impact:
1. There was not culture of calling for 1st appeal hearing in BWSSB. After Information Commissioner Sri Tippeswamy’s show-cause notice to ACE (M 1&2) for forwarding RTI application reg policy level matter to the sub-division, to control the 2nd appeal/complaint to the KIC current hearing on 1st appeal was called.
2. Till now whenever visited Cauvery Bhavan the treatment was not so good, now the meeting day everyone’s treatment not less than royal treatment only because of RTI. P.A. of the CE (M) herself took me to the cabin of Mr. V. Mahesh and every one was with full respect by offering the seat, tea and all. No one wanted me to wait for the meeting.
3. East sub-division -3 where it was told that Press and NGO people are not allowed, now they whole heartedly welcome to collect whatever information is required.
4. Mr. Gopal Gowda and Mr. Srinivas Reddy was instructed, as soon as they receive RTI application, no need to wait for 30days, whatever information is there immediately should be provided. If they have any doubts reg that, applicant should be contacted and made clear.

III. Works done/achievement narrated by community members mouth:
While conducting a survey for GRM in the surrounding areas mainly slum areas on 22.06.10 met a group of 4-5 men in Achari bande slum to have a discussion on water service delivery and collect grievances if any. The group was asking about the CIVIC working pattern, whether it is as same as the govt one, which doesn't have any follow-up or any proper system. Then the Community organizer Ms. Pushpa explained how the water problem in Rajeevgandhi slum was solved with CIVIC intervention. Which impressed the group and explained their area problem in detail as well as gave in writing.

So the impact from the mouth of a community member about how the community issues are being solved or the changes took place in the community, impacts more than explaining by a person/staff of the organization.